Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why you should never play Wii with children on couches behind you...

Okay... so... Jerry has been out this week and will return tomorrow... While he is away something always seems to happen. Well, all right, it just seems more traumatic then if he were here!

So the kids convinced me to play Wii with them Tuesday night. We have a rule that when we play people that are not playing have to sit on the couches (we have 2). In our living room there is one on the back wall and one sideways to seperate the pack and play from the rest of the room. I decided to try my hand at hitting homeruns... Xavier and Sydney were on the couch behind me, Jay was on the floor in front and off to the side of me, and Anna was on the other couch beside me. I am standing in the middle of our living room under our fan (our coffee table is MIA at the moment in the garage) getting ready to hit baseballs. I hit one... almost got a homerun, but not quite. I gear up for the next one and.... hit a foul ball. At this point, I think to myself, "I am going to try the chopping thing that my dad always does and hits these stinking things once and for all!"

So I am really gonna give it my all this time! What happens, however, to my amazement is that my hand comes down and suddenly stops with a sickening thud on top of Xavier's head! Evidently, he decided that he was going to sit by Jay for a better view and since he was coming from behind me... yeah, didn't see him coming until I crushed my pinky finger between the Wii remote and his head with all the force of my downward swing behind it. I swear I saw stars, and blacked out for a minute. Now you might be thinking... "what about Xavier's head???"

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! The child's head is made of METAL or CEMENT or something REALLY HARD!! He was more upset that I stopped him from his goal of reaching Jay and because I scared him!

Meanwhile, I can't feel my hand. Of course it is my right hand... since I am right-handed... My pinky swelled to the point that the fleshy skin was taut instead of pliable. Sobs were so close to coming out that I had to leave the room and get ice for my hand. The kids were not concerned about me... Oh now! They were more worried about all the balls that I was missing! Gotta love kids and their sense of compassion right?! Ha! Actually, truth be told, I was glad they were distracted because they tend to hover!

I did call my neighbor, Shelli, to see if she knew if you could still bend a broken finger. She and I decided that if it got worse, I should go to the ER. I haven't gone. It still aches and is pretty colors now. The swelling has gone down but my knuckle closest to my nail looks odd and my hand aches more then it originally did. So we'll see how it all turns out.

What I learned as a Wii player that is a parent of young children:
  • Put them in front of you, where you can see them at all times!

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