Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Birthday Celebrations Begin....

For the next 3 months we have birthdays for, obviously, 3 of our kids!

Anna's celebrating started this weekend. When asked what she wanted to do for her birthday, she said she wanted to get her ears pierced. Grandma and Grandpa Dragon had come over for a visit to celebrate her 6th birthday, so grandma and mommy took her to Claire's in the mall and got it done! She was all brave and excited until they got the guns out and the ladies tried lining up to pierce her ears... then she kind of got a little tense! But in the end... she was a big girl! And she loves it! Hopefully, she is much better than her mother was at this age with pierced ears!

Anna seems to be our easiest child to buy anything for. She loves clothes and sewing and crocheting and coloring and drawing. She is so easy to please it is great! And then we have Xavier... he is so hard to buy anything for! Clothes... he couldn't care less. Star Wars toys are great but not young enough for him and books he likes but then loses interest... What do you get a 4 year old boy? He does like Gameboy and computer games. But we have so many already! Kind of frustrating... Sydney, who is after Xavier in the birthday line up, is pretty easy to please like Anna. She likes baby dolls, clothes, little dolls, hair bands, dolls, coloring books, etc...

It is fascinating to sit and watch each of them at the dinner table and just watch the differences in personalities and the similarities too! The smaller ones each look up to their older siblings and a lot of times mimic them in order to learn. Xavier has been coming in to the kitchen when I am doing school with Anna and Jay and seems to get a kick out of watching them. I think next year he will be ready for a preschool program.

Well, little Caleb is howling... better go rescue the poor, little, left-alone baby!

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