Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gearing up for the Holidays!

Well we are almost done with our shopping! We only have our parents left and a nephew. That shouldn't be too hard, right?! Ha! Here's hoping!!

Jerry is recovering from his surgery still. He has moments in the day that his shoulder still aches and gives him a lot of pain. But the physical therapist says he is where he should be as far as recovery. So that is good news.

I took the kids with some neighbors to our children's musuem. THAT was interesting to say the least! I had Xavier who wanted to go everywhere all at once, by himself; Jay and Anna were very well-behaved and responsible, well, for the most part; Sydney wanted to go all over; and Caleb who was wide-awake the whole time! Thankfully he was in a good mood and I had neighbors to help! I think I could do that place by myself on their slow days, but would definitely have to have the baby in a sling or baby carrier so I could keep up with all of them! AND we would have to work on staying together too!!

One funny thing this week... our sweet Sydney has a very unique way of saying Caleb's name. She calls him "Baby Waleb"! It is so cute when she says it too! She will say, "Oh momma! Baby Waleb is cwying!" They all love their little brother, which is fun to see. I pray they will continue to when he gets in to all their things!

Other than that, not much else is going on. Kids are doing well with their school and growing like always! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the holiday atmosphere.

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