Thursday, September 18, 2008

The wind storm of 2008...

We had hurricane force winds this past Sunday. We have had forceful winds before, but our gusts got up to 70 mph! It was CRAZY! You looked outside and the sky was just filled with leaves and twigs/branches flying around or across streets/cul-de-sacs. It was nuts. Jerry and his mom were standing in our kitchen and watched our last tree by our fence fall on it! That stunk because it broke the fence. Thankfully, it did not break any of the poles, just the fence and the top rail. We got it cut off on Tuesday and Jerry fixed it later that afternoon so that the kids could go out and play again. Jay had the funniest response to the tree falling! He said, "OH MAN!! Now we're never going to go outside and play because our babies will escape!!" It was so funny, but you know... at least his concern was placed on his siblings!

That has been our big excitement so far. We haven't really done much because of Caleb and trying to get back into a sense of normalcy in the house... Caleb is doing well. He has spurts of sleeping and spurts of being awake. The kids are fascinated with him. They want to kiss him all the time and pet his head or hold his hand. It is sweet and sometimes a little overwhelming!

Jerry's mom is still here and will be until next Thursday. So the following week will be my true trial run as a mother of 5 by myself! That should prove interesting. I forsee meltdowns and lots of tears, but am praying for it not to come to that! I will also have to start school with them either next week or the following week! It will be interesting.

Well, kids are being cranky and not cooperating for gma... so I better head.

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