Saturday, August 9, 2008

Back to Ohio!

Well, we made it home safely... all kids accounted for and doing well! We got home around lunch on Friday and spent the day unloading, putting things away, and adjusting to having daddy back in our space!

Jerry filled the pool up with half cold, half hot water so the kids could go out and play in it. They had such a blast! Even after naps, they all went down that night without one word of protest. It was GREAT! I am not to sure who had more fun though, daddy? or the kids? Did I mention that he got in the pool with them?! Ha! That was why he put the hot water in it!! Silly daddy...

Today we had an AWESOME picnic with some neighbors and some new nieghbors! Anna made a little friend, which is really great. Since her friend Alena moved away she has been pretty sad about not having someone to play with. Our neighbors next door moved down a block and a half from us... so we are once again going to get new neighbors next door. I am praying they will have children our age and similiar to us. (Not that our other neighbors weren't, we got babysitters and friends through them!)

I am hoping that the baby will come in the next couple of weeks! He is so crammed in his space that he makes my back ache almost all the time now. I have had a couple of contractions, but that is probably just the Braxton Hicks that are fake and don't do anything!! We'll find out on Monday though. And then the doctor visits are every week! I find it hard to believe that he will wait until Sept. 7th, but you never know!

Tomorrow is church and our small group! And then our week kicks off our soccer season! Hooray... if they did not enjoy it so much, they would not be in it!! I am too pregnant and too tired for this! Thank goodness Jerry is home to help!

Hope all is well your way!

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