Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Countdown is on!

So this is our week of getting last minute things together so that when our new baby joins us, we are prepared! We were sort of caught off guard with Sydney being two weeks early, and didn't want to have a repeat of last minute shopping with this one. Good news is that we are past the threshhold of being sent away from base or they stop labor! Now we just have to get the contractions to DO something! My back hurts all the time now and I can feel the contractions, but I am afraid they are still Braxton-Hicks due to the fact that I can still walk around and talk and think! SO.... back to the waiting game it is.

Our first week of soccer practice has ended well. We got Jay on a team with the same coach he has had for the last 2 years, so that was a true blessing! He really enjoys playing and has a knack for the game. Of course he says he knows EVERYTHING about soccer! Ha! He did do really well with staying in the positions he had at practice. I was impressed with how much he has retained and how much he has grown. His team looks like it is going to be a good one. All the kids did a great job passing and working together as a team. And then there is Anna... bless her heart! She was so excited tonight because she made a goal, and then her coach says, "But Anna... your goal is down there!" She was a little embarrassed and then got over it and played her little heart out. Her team is a good mix of new kids and a couple experienced. We'll see if she remembers as much as Jay from last year.

Xavier and Sydney have now realized their true calling in life - at least for the time being - and that is to be partners in chaos. One will cause a distraction while the other gets into whatever it is they decide they need! For example, one will purposefully get in trouble to distract mommy while the other goes into the pantry to get the Twizzlers down to eat quietly until mommy leaves the room and then they will share! Oh yeah... lots of fun stuff.

Thankfully, we have had nice weather and the kids go out and play with daddy and mommy gets things done! I got the garage all swept out and organized, the kitchen put in order, and last minute laundry down today. AND we all took a nap! It was a good day. Now we just need to get the baby moving along! Full moon Saturday!

Hope your week is a blessed one!


Queen of the Castle said...
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Queen of the Castle said...

hahaha! LOVE the twizzler story! too cute! my guess is that your mom would say that you're getting payback for any mischief you might have caused when you were young! ;-) hope you have that baby soon! (if you havent by now!)